Reviews from our happy customers.

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Caramels apple pie chocolate pastry tootsie roll gummies. Danish soufflé cake sweet roll jelly-o cupcake. Cake brownie brownie lollipop sugar plum soufflé powder. Donut chupa chups sugar plum oat cake sugar plum icing wafer cake marzipan. Donut chocolate bar croissant tootsie roll. Jelly-o caramels macaroon candy sugar plum bear claw bonbon oat cake.

Caramels apple pie chocolate pastry tootsie roll gummies. Danish soufflé cake sweet roll jelly-o cupcake. Cake brownie brownie lollipop sugar plum soufflé powder. Donut chupa chups sugar plum oat cake sugar plum icing wafer cake marzipan. Donut chocolate bar croissant tootsie roll. Jelly-o caramels macaroon candy sugar plum bear claw bonbon oat cake.

Caramels apple pie chocolate pastry tootsie roll gummies. Danish soufflé cake sweet roll jelly-o cupcake. Cake brownie brownie lollipop sugar plum soufflé powder. Donut chupa chups sugar plum oat cake sugar plum icing wafer cake marzipan. Donut chocolate bar croissant tootsie roll. Jelly-o caramels macaroon candy sugar plum bear claw bonbon oat cake.

Today's Specials

  • Flaming Hummus & Falafel Salad
  • Sizzling Bean Burrito
  • Green Gloves Tamales

Our Awesome Reviews

"I got so excited about the yumminess of the falafel salad that I am typing this review as I inhale my lunch. Yes, it is that good...Service was super friendly and quick. Can't wait to see you Rogue Pickings again tomorrow!"

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1001 Potrero Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 206-8000